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이탈리아에 있는 가족 소유의 한 회사는 알파라발의 혁신적인 분리 기술을 사용하여 향수, 화장품 및 기타 분야용 에센스를 생산합니다. 결과적으로 에너지 사용량은 줄었고 최종 제품의 품질은 높아졌습니다.
날짜 2024-06-13 글쓴이 Claudia B. Flisi 사진 Maurizio CamagnaBergamot, a citrus grown almost exclusively in Reggio Calabria, on the "toe" of Italy, has been a favoured essence of the fragrance industry for centuries because of its quality and versatility. Reggio Calabria is also the location of the family-owned company Capua 1880, a company that has been extracting bergamot oil for perfumes and other areas of use, since 1880.
Need for innovation
When Giandomenico Capua took over responsibility for citrus processing at Capua 1880 in 2013, he faced the problems of business growth and ageing equipment. He looked to new technologies in citrus oil separation equipment for solutions.
The challenge: How to improve the processing and extracting techniques for bergamot and other citrus fruits, to get as much high-quality end-products as possible?
Over the next five years, he evaluated separation equipment by Alfa Laval and other supplier.
The solution: The Alfa Laval CR 250 ranked at the top of his list for its performance, quality results, and yield increase.
On-site testing began in May 2017 and the results confirmed Capua's expectations.
- The Alfa Laval CR 250 can handle 4,000- 5,000 litres of emulsion an hour – more than double the old capacity of 1,200-1,600 litres an hour.
- The separator uses 30 percent less energy than competitors' equipment for the same results.
- The bottom-fed, fully hermetic design is gentler on shear-sensitive particles and eliminates oxygen pickup, leading to better quality aromas in the final product.
- The design meets the EU's highest regulatory standards for health and safety.
- The operator can optimize the process during production which means reduced need for downtime for mechanical changes.
The company is always studying new techniques for extracting, filtering, and treating essential oils. "R&D is continuous to help us develop new product processing," explains Gianfranco Capua.
Capua 1880 is now expanding their capacity to meet the growing demands in new markets. One of the drivers is the "return to nature" trend which has resonance not only in developed markets like Europe and North America but also in newer markets such as India and China. The growth is prompting the company to consider a new purpose-built plant in the next few years, and Alfa Laval technology will be a factor in the layout of that facility.
as much as 90 percent of the world supply of bergamot comes from Reggio Calabria: it is found in both traditional and modern perfumes because of its freshness, multi-faceted aroma, and its ability to blend well with other scents. It is also used in many other aromatized products such as cosmetics and detergents – but also as an essential ingredient in Earl Grey tea.

FACTS - Bergamot
An Italian named Johann Maria Farina, who had settled in the German city of Cologne, created the first scent under the name of his adopted city in 1709. Homesick for the smells of his native land, he had written to his brother the previous year: "I have discovered a scent that reminds me of a spring morning in Italy, of mountain narcissus, orange blossom just after the rain. It gives me great refreshment, strengthens my senses and imagination."
Freshly separated bergamot oil is an enigmatic emulsion. Its colour is iridescent green streaked with sunshine, reflecting its origins as a small greenish citrus hybrid between oranges and lemons. The heady fragrance encompasses both these fruits and adds a subtle suggestion of exotic spices like cinnamon and cloves. No wonder it was used in the original eau de cologne.
Are you curious?
최고의 기술력으로 자연, 인간을 위한 최선의 방안을 추구하는 알파라발은 어려운 도전을 극복하기 위해 항상 노력해 왔습니다. 이는 호기심이 충만한 헌신적인 사람들만 있다면 충분히 달성할 수 있습니다. 호기심은 뛰어난 아이디어의 촉매입니다. 뛰어난 아이디어는 진보를 이루어 내죠. 지속가능한 발전을 위해 공헌할 수 있는 기회를 아래 채용 공고 (See our job vacancies) 를 통해 확인해 보십시오.
Advancing better. With Alfa Laval.
지속가능한 발전 목표에 기여하는 알파라발
UN(국제연합)은 인류가 지향해야 할 17개의 '지속가능한 발전을 위한 2030 아젠다' 를 설정하였으며, 이는 모든 193개 회원국이 2030년까지 사회, 환경, 경제적으로 지속 가능한 세상을 만들기 위해 최선을 다해야 함을 의미합니다.
이 비전의 달성 여부는 이제 우리와 같은 기업에 달려 있습니다
CR 250 - separator for concentrating of citrus oil
- Unique Hermetic design
- Gentle product handling: preservation of aroma due to no oxygen pick-up
- Low power consumption, environmentally friendly
"R&D is continuous to help us develop new product processing"

Capua 1880 – a sustainable company
Sustainable practices are ingrained in Capua 1880's corporate culture. Since the company's raw materials are 100 percent citrus fruits from local farmers, and all its finished products (essential oils) are sold abroad to environmentally aware multinational corporations, it is totally committed to sustainable goals. And it has been officially recognized: in January 2018, Capua 1880 was certified by the Union for Ethical Bio-Trade (UEBT) as a sustainable organisation.
In the first phase of this certification, Capua documented the sustainable practices of 450 of its citrus suppliers. The information gathered from this research was passed on to the UEBT for a subsequent phase of certification. According to company head Gianfranco Capua, his agricultural suppliers should be motivated to follow sustainability guidelines – otherwise it is up to Capua to motivate them. By doing so, he says, "the quality of their produce improves, their yield increases, their efficiency improves, their savings increase, and they make more money".
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